Approved Programs : MBA (Dual Sp. : Fin, Mkt, IT & HR), BBA, M Com, B Com, MA, BA with Different Streams
We provide book bank facilities, Digital Library
Join us for an educational journey designed for success and guided by dedicated professionals
University certificates valid for All Government & Private Jobs.
Wellcome to NICM
NICM Computer Academy is Recognized as One of The Best Academic Institusion in The Area. It Stands Tall in The Public Esteem and the Education. Not With Standing its Name, Students From all Religion Have Grown Here, and Excelled in The Chosen Area of Their Interests, Be its Academics, Online Work and Online Classes or Extra-Curricular Activities.
NICM Computer Academy Was Founded in The Year 2007 by Mr. Virendra Singh,
The Computer Academy Provides a Liberal, Lively and Competitive environment Enabling Students to Carve out Nice from Themselves in Their Chosen Area. Best The Infrastructural Facilities, The Strength of The Computer Academy lies in its Congenial and Enriching Atmosphere. the Computer Academy is Committed to Providing Leadership and Direction For the Times Ahead in Every Sphere of Human Enterprise And Endeavor.
Our Reach:
All Over India
NICM Computer Academy hava a Safe, Friendly, Accessible Environment where all Students and Community Members may optimize their Academic,Career and Cultural Development.
NICM Computer Academy Will Provides Excellent Educational Opportunities That Are Responsive to The needs of The Community and Help Students Meet Economics, Social and Environmental Challenges to Become Active Participants in Shaping the World of the Future.